Thank you to our partners for their continued support of our program!
Thank you to Urban Systems Foundation and BCICF for supporting our arena footing updating project! Our riders and horses are super happy!
We are excited to share that Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association has been selected to receive two Community Development Grants from Canadian Tire Jumpstart and Sport Canada.
Community Development Grant - Operational for $11,200 will go towards wages for our certified instructors and towards helping hire another instructor and helping them get certified for our 23-24 fiscal. Community Development Grant - Programming for $6,700 will go towards helping support our 2023 Winter Session. We are able to use these funds towards wages, facility costs and insurance. #SupportedByJumpstart #SupportedbySportCanada Along with Jumpstart, we understand the importance of sport for the health and well-being of kids and their families and are proud of the work we do to provide community sport and play. |
Proud members of BC Therapeutic Riding Association. We are also very appreciative of their ongoing support through their granting opportunities. |
Canadian Tire Jumpstart is an amazing organization that has help KTRA many times through their grant opportunities. We are very happy to share that we were successful in our request for help towards our increase lease fees and updating hours for our instructors through their Community Development Grant. Thank you very much for your valued support, it means so much to help us continue to provide our programs to our clients.
We are excited to share that Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association has been selected by Canadian Tire Jumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. The fund helps community sport organizations like ours continue to provide access to sport and play for Canadian kids. This grant will go a long way towards helping us to cover staff wages, property lease payments, utility payments and care for our horses (grain, hay, vet, farrier costs).
Thank you so much! #SportReliefFund |
We are pleased to share that Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association has been selected by Canadian Tire Jumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. The fund helps community sport organizations like ours continue to provide access to sport and play for Canadian kids. This grant will will go along way towards helping us to purchase PPE Equipment for our 2021 Spring Session. We also will be able to hopefully send one of our instructors to complete her certification through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) and we will be able to hire back our seasonal instructors for our 2021 Spring Session. Thank you very much, we are very grateful for this support during these times.
#SportReliefFund |
Very thankful for the Canadian Tire for the Jumpstart Community Development Grant for $12,000 that we received for staff wages and horse care.
Kamloops Large Animal Veterinary Clinic
Thank you to for their continued support helping care for our herd of therapy horses. We really appreciate all that you do for our special equines each year.